Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Yule Logged: Thanksgiving - New Looney Tunes, Merrie Melodies, A Thanksgiving Tale, Pat Boone and Family, Q*bert

New Looney Tunes - No Thanks Giving (2019)

A wan imitation of the old school war of wits between Elmer Fudd and that wascally wabbit Bugs Bunny, but if you haven’t seen the original loony tunes then this will do.

Merrie Melodies - Daffy Duck - No Holiday for Drumsticks (1949)

No classic but real cel animation and gifted voice actors make all the difference. Daffy "befriends" a Thanksgiving turkey only to find himself the new main course.

A Thanksgiving Tale (1983)

The thing with anthropomorphizing in kid’s Thanksgiving specials is that you end up with some weird turkey-related dilemmas. In this tale of feuding animal gangs, from Newark, NJ,  the cats are holding a confused turkey hostage until T-Day to have as a main course while the dogs plot to save the turkey even though they were just waxing poetic about Turkey leftovers they were looking forward to (though not the leftovers of the bird the cats have got). It’s all very odd.

Some decent puppetry, some surprisingly contemporary-sounding, for 1983, songs and the script is better than the premise. I don’t consider it a holiday classic but it makes for a change from the relative handful of options usually available.

Pat Boone and Family  -  A Thanksgiving Special (1978)

John Byner, Bob Hope, and The Hudson Brothers guest in this holiday special from Pat and the Boone’s. And it’s awesome. Goofy, cheesy, wholesome and perfect. And I expect everyone else will hate it.

Best Thanksgiving Ever (2018)

No, it isn’t, not at all. Cheap comedy trying to work, I don’t know, maybe, an It’s Always Sunny vein.No thanks.

The Very First Thanksgiving (2017)

Short but sweet Scholastic / weston woods narrated children’s book.

Q*bert: Thanksgiving for the Memories (1983)

Odd little Thanksgiving episode of an odd little video game based Saturday morning cartoon. The Pilgrim’s story retold with Q*bert and co.. It is what it is.